Super Bang:周记第八篇

看见Shawn Lee精湛的表演
18th march 2010

Had a wonderful experience last week. We went to Inti Nilai to perform for all the students and the orphans there . We sang a song about peace written by Lee Hom and David Tao. The crowd is really good over there . They are all being really nice to us. We also saw Shawn lee. The best beat boxer in msia. Wow he is really good!! What was that sound coming out from his mouth? Well, that’s all for now. I will update more next time


进营近两个多月了,开始想念在家人及在家的生活了。想起以前在家有家人照料下温暖的生活,不愁吃不愁住,是多么的幸福呀!可是我没后悔过来参加这个比赛,因为现在吃的苦是值得的。我一直都很想成为家里人的骄傲,这样才不会枉费他们对我的期待!爸妈~谢谢你一直以来的照顾及教诲 !无论是失败或成功我都会尽力的证明自己的!



在这礼拜中,我们算是度过了一个清闲的星期,星期一我们到了Inti Nilai 表演,与其说是去表演倒不如说是去看表演,因为每一段表演都非常精彩,尤其是Shawn Lee的演出最让我们惊艳,他虽然只有18岁,但他已成为了Top 16 of the world,拥有这个头衔想必有经过一番努力,但一场表演让我们看见我American China no enough(美中不足)的地方,我还是有很多东西要学习的,所以,佼!佼!佼!

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