Super Bang:周记第一篇

在过去的1月30号和31号,终极二班到了Kulai的IOI Mall、Batu Pahat的Batu Pahat Mall、Melaka的Mahkota Parade和Seremban的Seremban Parade做造势活动,经过两个礼拜的练习,我们的努力都有了成果,在第一天的造势活动,我们终极二班在五点就出发了,大约11点30分抵达Kulai IOI Mall,到了现场我们就开始彩排,1点时就开始我们的节目,我们抱着一份又紧张又期待的心情完成了我们的表演,也看到了其它组合精彩的表现,我们这组很荣幸的得到了额外的一分钟表演时间,之后我们跳完了我们的主题曲“出发”就结束了我们在Kulai IOI Mall的造势活动。。。
第二站我们到了Batu Pahat的Batu Pahat Mall,这一次呢我们还是有点小紧张,所以在舞台上还是没什么自信。。。好在工作人员有从旁协助让我们慢慢的在舞台上有点小自信,在第二站的造势活动里“四乐草”因超人气,而得到了额外的一分钟表演时间。。。晚上我们就在Batu Pahat的四星级旅店过夜。。。而我们舒舒服服的睡了一夜。。。
第二天早晨,我们享用完丰富的早餐后,我们就起程到我们的第三站,Melaka的Mahkota Parade,来到现场我们才感觉到当明星的滋味(有人找我们签名啊~~~~),在这一场的造势活动是由Coco Boyz获得一分钟表演时间。。。
Elliot’s First Blog Entry
It’s the 1st of February today. I never thought that time would pass that fast. Well, This is the very first reality tv singing competition show that I’ve got in. It was an amazing experience. When I first grouped with the other 2 members, I was really curious what I am in for. It was unbelieavable I loved my group members. They have the same style, taste in music, although we come from a different background. I learned a lot .. Especially from Kai Wen. Wei hoong is a great vocalist too. I thought when we got in here, we will only be group members.. that’s it .. Full stop. But as we spend more time together understanding each other’s background and the music genre we love. We have become really close. We became really good buddies. Music is such a global language, It speaks for itself for the people who love the same music.
I learned a lot of new skills and performing acts in this 2 weeks. I would never get to learn the basic of it if I did not join this competition. I harmonize, I sang acapella, I dance, I laughed. I will strive to be better for Super Bang. I got a feeling, We will breakthrough our shells and fly high in the sky!
Super BANG ! GO GO GO !!
